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Page 20

  Wilde nodded. “Good idea. She’s been hanging around the police station. Maybe this will get her out of our hair.”

  “You take the credit on this case. And why don’t you give Winters a call and fill her in on what has happened?”

  Peyton’s magnanimous gesture cinched Wilde’s high opinion of her. “You’re a real straight shooter,” he said, clapping Peyton on the back. “Every other FBI agent I’ve encounter fought for all the credit. Are you sure you’re okay with this?”

  “You’re the one who found her confession and put a lid on this until the ME makes his ruling. You deserve the credit.” Peyton held out her hand. “It’s a pleasure working with you.”


  The next day Peyton received confirmation from the ME that the death of Chief Pat Sawyer was caused by mixing drugs and alcohol. She thought for a few minutes and then called Chancellor O’Brien.

  “You need to post openings for all the jobs in the athletic department and for a new chief of campus police.”

  “I’ll start assembling a hiring committee today,” Katherine said. “It’s a shame about Pat Sawyer. I never trusted her and certainly would have fired her, but I never wished her dead.”

  “Fate moves in miraculous ways,” Peyton replied. “Sometimes karma takes care of things mere mortals are afraid to confront.”

  “Why don’t you come to my office around six this afternoon and give me a full report?”

  “I’d be happy to do that, Chancellor,” Peyton assured her.

  Chapter 48

  Leslie Winters couldn’t believe her ears. Lt. Eldon Wilde had been the only one in this godforsaken state willing to help her, and now he was handing her every investigative reporter’s dream.

  “Why don’t you come down to the station, and I’ll let you see Sawyer’s confession?” Wilde volunteered.

  “I can be there in fifteen minutes,” Leslie quipped.

  “Park in the officers’ parking lot. I’ll meet you there with a parking pass that will be good for the duration of your stay.”

  Leslie made it to the police station in twelve minutes and was surprised to see Lt. Wilde striding toward her with an official Press Parking pass. Maybe this town isn’t so backwoods after all, she thought.

  Wilde spent the day with Leslie, answering all her questions and digging up information she needed to flesh out her story. By the end of the day, both were exhausted.

  “I’d be happy to take you to dinner,” Wilde said as he pushed his chair back from his desk.

  “That’s very kind,” Leslie said, flashing a brilliant smile, “but I want to go back to my hotel room and organize all these notes. I’d like to get a teaser on the show tonight and then unfold the entire story on my show tomorrow night. My editor is demanding a big send-off for this story. We will run it for a week. It’s huge.”

  “I understand,” Wilde said. “If you need anything just give me a call.”

  “There is one other thing that would pull this story together,” Leslie said.


  “Do you have any influence with Chancellor O’Brien? I would kill for an interview with her.”

  “No, but I know someone who does.”

  Wilde punched at his cell phone and held it to his ear. “Peyton, this is Wilde. I need a favor. Leslie Winters wants to interview Chancellor O’Brien about the Pat Sawyer case.”

  “I’m on hold,” Wilde informed Leslie. “She’s trying to get in touch with the chancellor now.

  “Yes. That’s terrific,” Wilde said when Peyton came back on the line. “I owe you one.

  Wilde ended the call and grinned at Leslie. “You can meet with Chancellor O’Brien in thirty minutes.”


  Peyton King was in Katherine O’Brien’s office when Leslie walked in with her camera crew. “Please, come into the chancellor’s office,” Peyton said. “She’s wrapping up a meeting in another building right now, but that will give you time to set up your cameras and prepare for her.”

  Leslie was amazed at how accommodating everyone had become. “I guess Pat Sawyer’s confession took a lot of pressure off all of you,” she mused as Peyton led the way into O’Brien’s office.

  “It certainly brought closure to a lot of problems and closed a nasty can of worms for the university,” Peyton said.

  The cameraman finished adjusting his light settings and was ready to record when Katherine O’Brien entered the room.

  “Miss Winters,” she purred, her low, sensuous voice sending a shiver up Leslie’s spine, “it’s a pleasure to meet you in person. I’m a fan of your work. I’ll never forget your story on the New York brothels owned by one of the city’s councilmen.”

  Leslie blushed with pleasure as the chancellor praised her work. She found herself fawning over the woman, wanting to please her.

  “We won’t take much of your time, Chancellor. I wanted to get you on camera answering a few quick questions to set the stage for my story. This will be a live interview.”

  “Where should I sit?” Katherine asked, letting Leslie take control.

  “We took the liberty of rearranging these two lovely chairs.” Leslie led Katherine to the small staging area her lighting man had arranged. “If you could sit in that one, and I’ll sit across from you. Do you want me to go over the questions before we go live?”

  “Is that a common practice?” Katherine asked.

  “No, I just didn’t want to—”

  “Treat me as you would anyone else,” Katherine insisted. “If you catch me off guard, shame on me.” A smile ghosted her lips as she straightened her skirt and crossed her perfect legs.

  Leslie did her introduction routine and then launched into her questions. “Chancellor O’Brien, did you have any idea Chief Sawyer was so deeply involved in the misconduct you were trying to clean up?”

  “Yes. I called in FBI Agent Peyton King before school began this year. She coordinated with our local police, Lt. Eldon Wilde, and they had compiled enough evidence to arrest Chief Sawyer.”

  “Chief Sawyer’s handwritten confession is common knowledge now,” Leslie said. “Were there any surprises in the confession?”

  “Yes. A year before I was hired as chancellor, a homeless man was convicted and imprisoned for the murder of a coed. We now know that he was framed by Chief Sawyer to protect personnel in the athletic department. That poor man. I feel so awful for him.”

  “Chancellor, you were hired specifically to clean up the sexual scandals in the athletic department. It appears that Chief Sawyer has taken care of that for you.”

  Katherine looked down at her hands folded in her lap. When she looked back up, her eyes glistened with unshed tears. “I would have preferred the culprits face justice in the courts, not death at the hands of a vigilante police chief. But as someone once told me, karma moves in miraculous ways.”

  “What do you have in mind for the future?” Leslie asked, giving Katherine a chance to put a positive spin on the situation.

  “We’re in the process of forming a hiring committee to rebuild our coaching staff and hire a new campus police chief.

  “I was hired for many reasons and look forward to leading our university into the twenty-first century—the first century of the third millennium. I can assure you things will not get out of control during my tenure!”

  “After getting to know Chancellor Katherine O’Brien, I’m certain of that,” Leslie said, addressing the camera and signing off for the evening.

  Leslie’s cell phone instantly started ringing. She answered right away when she recognized her boss’s number.

  “You did it, Leslie. Oh my God, you did it. How did you manage to get an interview with the Ice Queen? She never gives interviews.”

  “Karma moves in miraculous ways, boss.” Leslie smiled as William Porter informed her that she had a first-class ticket waiting for her online.

  “You’ll be back in New York before noon tomorrow,” Porter crowed. “We need to get ready for your bi
g debut tomorrow night. Makeup, hair, clothes—the whole works. Nothing’s too good for my new star anchor.”

  Chapter 49

  The four friends drank coffee in the SUB as they discussed graduation and the events of the past year. “You always suspected Sawyer,” Brandy noted as Peyton, Joey, and Regan nodded in agreement.

  “I never thought she would commit suicide,” Peyton said. “I still feel responsible for her death. I took her that fifth of scotch. I had a drink with her and left the bottle. If I hadn’t done that, she wouldn’t have overdosed.”

  “She had a lot of skeletons in her closet,” Brandy pointed out. “It was inevitable.”

  “I suppose so.” Peyton sighed. “Still, I feel guilty.”

  Joey led the conversation toward happier thoughts. “I’m just looking forward to this school year being over. Paula and I are doing so well. I want to propose to her. Do y’all think it’s too soon?”

  “Joey, that’s great,” Brandy said.

  Joey blushed. “She’s incredible.”

  “How about you two, will you be back?” Peyton asked.

  “No, we’re getting too old to pose as crazy students,” Joey said, chuckling. “The agency is bringing in two new replacements for us. We’ll be reassigned. I’ve accepted a job with a top engineering company. This undercover stuff is dangerous. I’ll have a family to consider.”

  “Aren’t we cocky?” Brandy teased. “You must be sure Paula will accept your proposal.”

  “After this weekend, I’m certain she’ll have me. We discussed it a lot. I just need to get a ring.”

  “I wouldn’t mind putting a ring on it,” Brandy said, her eyes on Regan, who had remained silent during their conversation.

  “What are your plans, Professor?” Peyton inquired.

  “I must return to New York and take care of some business there,” Regan mumbled.

  “That’s the first I’ve heard of that,” Brandy huffed.

  “It just came up. I need to renegotiate my contract with my publisher. Thanks to the great job you did with Dressed to Kill, they’re offering me a larger piece of the pie. Of course, I’ll be required to go on more book tours and do TV appearances.”

  Brandy clenched her jaw as she glared at Regan.

  “What about you, Brandy?” Peyton turned the conversation to the blonde.

  “I’ve had an incredible offer from an international law firm. I’m considering it. They have offices everywhere.” She turned to Regan. “Even New York.”

  “What about you, Peyton?” Regan avoided Brandy’s glances. “What are your plans?”

  “I guess I’ll go on to my next assignment,” Peyton replied, “but I must admit I’m tired of moving around. I’d like to find a job in law enforcement where I can stay in one place.”

  “The university is looking for a new chief of campus police,” Joey informed her. “Why don’t you apply for that?”

  “I don’t know.” Peyton shrugged. “I’d be working directly under Chancellor O’Brien. She’s pretty haughty and strictly business.”

  “Yeah,” Joey said, “but you must admit she’s hot.”

  Peyton laughed. “I must admit that, Joey.”


  They rode home in silence. Brandy didn’t take her eyes from the road, and Regan looked out the side window. She was miserable. She couldn’t stop the ache that was gnawing at her heart.

  Brandy followed Regan into their living room. “When were you going to tell me you were going back to New York?”

  “I just heard from them this morning,” Regan explained. “I haven’t had time to discuss it with you.”

  “Discuss it? It sounds like your mind is made up.”

  “Brandy, I . . . our age difference. I don’t think—”

  “Regan, you’re worried about being left alone and heartbroken. I’m the one taking the chance. I know I’ll always be at your side, as long as you’ll have me. I’d never leave you or hurt you or cause you a moment’s angst. You will always have me.

  “You’re a little older than me, so chances are I’ll outlive you. I’m the one who will be left alone to wander this earth until I can join you. I’m the one who will suffer the devastating emptiness of one who has lost their soul mate. I’m the one taking the chance, but you’re worth it. One more day with you is worth everything. At the end of every night, just promise me one more day. Do you love me?” Brandy demanded.

  “You know I do, more than anything.” Regan sobbed. “But I think—”

  “Then don’t think.” Brandy pulled Regan into her arms and held her tightly against her. “Don’t think of anything but how much I love you and you love me. I want to marry you.”

  “I need time to think, Brandy.” Regan pulled from the blonde’s arms. “I can’t think when you’re holding me.”

  “Why not, Regan? Why can’t you think when you’re in my arms?”

  “Because you make my entire body tremble. You make my stomach do somersaults. I can’t think, because all I want is to . . .”

  “To what?” Brandy said softly.

  “To make love to you.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with that.” Brandy reached for her, but she skittered away.

  “I’m going to make a pot of coffee,” Regan said.

  Brandy slipped onto the stool at the kitchen island. “Take me to New York with you. School’s out, and I haven’t started work yet. I’m taking a month off to relax and get reacquainted with the world. Take me with you.”

  “Why do you want a woman older than you?” Regan said. “You’re just enamored of me because I’m your professor. When you get out into the real world, you’ll change.”

  “I promise I won’t,” Brandy declared. “I’ll always love you. Can’t we live in the moment? Can’t we relish each day we spend together and love as if the world will end tomorrow?”

  “And if it doesn’t end? What then?” Regan sniffled. “Don’t promise me the stars. Promise me something real. What guarantee can you give me that we’ll always be as happy as we’ve been this past year?”

  “Regan, the only stars I can guarantee you are the ones in my eyes when I look at you. The only love I can promise you forever is mine. The only touch I need to complete me is yours. Please don’t take it away from me.”

  Regan placed her coffee cup on the island as Brandy pulled her between her knees and kissed her gently. “I want you,” Brandy whispered. “I’ll always want you.”

  “God help me, I love you with every fiber of my being, Grace Brandywine. I can’t live without you, and this is so unfair to you.”

  “There is something I must tell you.” Brandy gasped for breath as Regan kissed her and caressed her body with hands that left a line of fire as they trailed down her back.

  “Later,” Regan insisted. “Right now, I just want to make love with you.”


  The ringing of her phone pulled Regan from a satiated sleep and Brandy’s arms. “Hello, Mel. . . . No, I won’t be returning to New York. . . . No, I have a new agent. . . . I’m hanging up now. Goodbye, Mel.”

  Brandy pulled the brunette back into her arms and thrilled to the feel of her. “You hired a new agent?”

  “Yes, one I trust.” Regan kissed between Brandy’s breasts.

  “I need to read your contract before you sign it,” Brandy said, warming to the idea. “Have you already negotiated percentages and book promotions and all that? What percentage are you paying them?”

  “Nothing.” Regan snuggled in closer and kissed Brandy’s nipple.

  Brandy gasped and tried to control the desire that was running rampant through her body. “No one works for nothing,” she squeaked.

  “Oh, she works for sex.” Regan giggled. “You’re my new agent, silly. I’ll put you on retainer, and you can handle everything that has to do with my books.”

  Brandy chuckled. “That’ll be a lot of hours. I’ll require a lot of—”

  “You’ll get anything you want, baby. Anythin

  Chapter 50

  “What kind of function is this?” Regan asked as she slipped her arm through Brandy’s.

  “I’m being inducted into the Order of the Coif,” Brandy answered. “It’s a reception for those of us who were selected.”

  “Order of the Coif?” Regan scowled. “That’s the crème de le crème of graduating attorneys. The what—top ten percent of the class?”

  “Something like that.” Brandy’s modest smile made Regan’s heart skip a beat.

  A light went on in Regan’s eyes as she stopped in her tracks. “You’re too young to be . . .” She did the math in her head. “To get a law degree you couldn’t possibly be any younger than twenty-six.”

  “Twenty-eight.” Brandy beamed.

  “Twenty-eight? You’re twenty-eight?”

  Brandy nodded. “Still a whole eight years younger than you. Still a younger woman madly in love with a more mature woman.”

  “Oh, shut up,” Regan murmured as she pulled Brandy’s head down for a long kiss. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I tried on several occasions. Then I decided that if you didn’t love me enough to stay with me no matter my age, we didn’t stand a chance anyway.”

  “I did stay.” Regan smiled as she looked at the wedding band on her finger. “I had to.”

  “Yes, you did stay, and I love you for that decision. Now, may I go get my recognition so we can get on with the rest of our lives?”


  “To us, darling.” Katherine O’Brien raised her wine glass and tapped it against Peyton’s.

  Peyton sipped her wine and then leaned forward. “I’d rather taste the wine on your lips,” she said, smiling.

  “I’m sure that can be arranged.” Katherine kissed her.

  “You were brilliant in the meeting,” Peyton commented as she slipped off the floor-length gown she wore and hung it in the closet. She twirled her finger, motioning for Katherine to turn around.

  “Um, as I recall, this whole thing started with the unzipping of your dress.” Peyton kissed the back of her neck. “There is something so sexy about unzipping a beautiful woman’s dress.”