Shakespeare Under Cover Page 17
“Do you play tennis?” Regan asked.
“Yes, I do,” Brandy said, a lopsided grin on her face, “but you probably don’t stand a chance against me. I was state champion.”
“And you’re a lot younger than me.” Regan knitted her brows. “We’ll see.”
Brandy’s heart ached when she saw the look in Regan’s eyes. “Honey, I didn’t mean that. I just mean that I’m very good and three inches taller than you.”
Before Regan could respond, the TV anchorman reappeared on the screen. “And now for our surprise,” he said as the photo of a gorgeous blonde filled the screen. Her eyes were a mesmerizing, dark denim-blue. Her lips and facial features were perfect.
Brandy jerked her head around to see how Regan was reacting. “Isn’t she—”
“My ex? Yes.” Regan nodded.
“I didn’t realize her eyes were that color,” Brandy said.
“Contacts,” Regan huffed. “Her eyes are hazel.”
“Miss Winters will be reporting live tonight from the University of Texas campus,” the anchor said, continuing his spiel.
“Why is she coming here?” Brandy turned her body to face Regan.
“I have no idea,” Regan said defensively. “Why are you asking me? You saw the same thing I just saw.”
Brandy grabbed her cell phone and jabbed at a number on her speed dial. “Are you watching the news? . . . Uh-huh. . . . Why is Leslie Winters coming to our campus? . . . Tell me that isn’t true.” Her shoulders sagged. “Yeah, I’ll be there in thirty.”
“What’s wrong?” Regan could feel the anxiety radiating from Brandy’s body.
“Your girlfriend is coming to investigate the serial murders on our campus.”
“Serial?” Regan squeaked. “But there have only been two—”
“Radford died last night,” Brandy said, scowling. “The cause of death has been declared asphyxiation. He choked to death on his own vomit, but that idiot Pat Sawyer told a local newsman that Radford might have been smothered with a pillow. You know . . . three deaths—”
“And the perp becomes a serial murderer.” Regan shook her head.
“Chief Sawyer has got to be the biggest screwup east of the Pecos,” Brandy muttered. “What the hell was she thinking? The FBI is handling this case. Why was she even talking to the news media?”
Brandy stood. “I’ve got to meet with Peyton and Joey. We’ve got to head this off.”
“May I go with you?” Regan asked
Brandy snorted. “So you can see your girlfriend?”
“That’s the second time you’ve called her that,” Regan said, seething. “She’s not my girlfriend. That ended years ago.”
Brandy shrugged as she pulled on her boots.
“Grace Brandywine, don’t you dare pull this on me! You, and you alone, are my only love.”
Brandy gazed into Regan’s dark, stormy eyes. “I hope so, Regan, because I can’t live without you.”
They arrived at Peyton’s office as a local news van pulled up. Brandy hopped out and sprinted around to open Regan’s door. They stood facing each other. “I love you,” Regan whispered.
“I know you do. And I love you. I’m sorry I was such a brat.”
Regan tiptoed to kiss her. “My brat, I’ll have to spank you when we get home.”
“I think you should.” Brandy’s grin overshadowed the morning sun.
They entered Peyton’s office while Leslie Winters and the local camera crew were getting their gear assembled. Joey and Paula were with the blonde FBI agent.
“Gather around,” Peyton said, waving Brandy and Regan over to their huddle. “Quick strategy on handling Leslie Winters. No matter what Winters says, our only comment must be, ‘We’re waiting for the forensic report. At this time, the coroner has declared it an accident.’
“She’ll try to separate us and interview us individually. Don’t use Radford’s name. That humanizes his death. Use the words ‘it’ and ‘he,’ but don’t say his name.
“Everyone have a seat. I want this to look like a gathering of concerned friends. Also, that will leave no chair for Winters.
“Paula, don’t ever repeat you’re glad Radford is dead.”
Paula blushed and nodded.
“I’ve placed Chief Sawyer under arrest for her own protection. She may be a target of the killer—or she may be the killer.” Peyton swallowed the lump in her throat. “Under no circumstances is she to talk to Leslie Winters.”
A loud knock on Peyton’s office door announced the arrival of the reporter. “Come in,” Peyton called.
As always, Leslie made a grand entrance, charging to the desk where Peyton was standing and extending her hand. “I’m Leslie Winters with—”
“Miss Winters, I’m FBI Agent Peyton King. What a pleasure it is to meet you.” Peyton let her eyes rake Leslie from head to toe. “You’re even more beautiful in person than on TV. What brings you to the Wild West?”
Leslie lost her train of thought as the agent fawned over her. It had been a long time since a beautiful woman had looked at her the way Agent King did. She didn’t notice when Joey closed the door, blocking her cameraman’s entrance.
“I . . . uh . . . you’ve had three murders on campus since the fall semester started. That makes the homicides the work of a—”
“No, we’ve had only two homicides here,” Peyton interrupted. “That’s why my office is involved. One victim lived in Oklahoma and worked in Texas. You know, crossing state lines—that sort of thing.”
“But yesterday a third body was discovered,” Leslie blurted.
“I wouldn’t say ‘discovered’. The UT athletic director—who is a notorious drunk—choked to death on his own vomit at a local clinic where he was being treated for his drunken behavior. Hardly a reason to send an investigative reporter of your caliber flying from New York to Austin.” Peyton flashed her most engaging smile. “But I’ll be happy to talk with you. Have you had lunch?”
Leslie looked down at the floor, fighting to regain her composure. She hadn’t anticipated the sexy agent, and the information she had been given said nothing about Radford choking on his own vomit. She decided to risk exposing her informant.
“I’d like to speak to the university chief of police,” Leslie said.
“Everyone’s gone for Christmas vacation. Even the chief gets a vacation occasionally. I can have her call you.”
“What about Chancellor O’Brien?” Leslie pushed. “I’d love to speak with her.”
Agent King’s demeanor changed with the mention of the chancellor. “As I said, I’m in charge of this case. You can ask me anything you wish.”
“I insist on speaking to Chancellor O’Brien.” Leslie narrowed her eyes at King. “Unless the university has something to hide, I’d think the chancellor would want to speak with me.”
“Chancellor O’Brien doesn’t do off-the-cuff interviews with anyone,” King said, glaring at the gorgeous reporter. “You may interview me or pack up and leave.”
“You . . . you can’t refuse me access to O’Brien,” Leslie growled.
Peyton walked around her desk to confront Leslie. “Miss Winters, I’m in the middle of two murder investigations. The entire campus is closed for the Christmas holidays. If you’d like to come back in mid-January when everyone is back in their office, I’m sure Chancellor O’Brien will try to work you into her very busy schedule.”
Leslie clenched her fists, trying to control her anger. “Who the hell do you think you are?”
“I know who I am,” Peyton scoffed. “I know my job and the authority that goes with it. What in the world makes you think you have the authority to barge in here and demand anything?”
“I’m a reporter,” Leslie bellowed.
“And . . . ?” Peyton waited, but Leslie was momentarily speechless.
“We’ll see what the public thinks of your authority when we air this little exchange, Agent King. Did you record all this?” For the first ti
me Leslie whirled around to discover her cameraman wasn’t in the room.
She had been so furious with Peyton that she hadn’t realized there were others in the office. Her eyes moved from face to face until they settled on the one that haunted her sleeping and waking hours. A loud gasp escaped her lips.
“Miss Winters, allow me to introduce my friends: Professor Regan Shaw, Grace Brandywine, and UT’s star quarterback Joey Sloan and his girlfriend, Paula Lambert.”
“Regan, I was hoping to touch base with you,” Leslie said. “Perhaps when I’m through here?” She closed her eyes for a second, trying to erase the sight of Brandy sitting on the arm of Regan’s chair with her arm draped possessively around Regan’s back. Regan was resting her hand on the blonde’s jean-covered thigh.
Regan looked up at Brandy. “Would that be okay, honey? We could take Leslie to lunch.”
“Of course,” Brandy said. “Whatever you want to do.”
Leslie could feel her interview and career spinning out of control. “I’d hoped we could share some alone time.”
“I have no secrets from Brandy,” Regan said as she patted the young woman’s leg. “She’s my—”
“Lover.” Brandy smirked. “A position I hope to fill for the rest of my life.”
Regan stood, clasping Brandy’s hand. “Why don’t you tell your camera crew to take a lunch break, and we’ll take you to a restaurant I know you’ll love.”
Leslie nodded and headed for the door. With her hand on the knob, she turned to Agent King. “Perhaps you’d like to join us.”
Peyton smiled. “Sure! Only a fool would pass up the opportunity to dine with three gorgeous women.” She was glad Leslie had given Joey and Paula a cursory nod and dismissed them.
“Honey, I’ll give you two some time alone,” Brandy offered, pitching Regan her car fob. “I need to discuss something with Agent King. We’ll ride in her jeep.”
“She must feel very confident about your feelings for her,” Leslie noted as she fastened her seatbelt.
Regan shrugged. “She should. I adore her.”
“What does she teach?”
“Oh, she . . . she’s not a teacher,” Regan said. “She’s a student.”
“Did I hear you correctly?” Leslie jeered. “Did you say you’re dating a student?”
Regan raised her chin. “Yes. Brandy is in my English lit class.”
“May-December romances always end badly for the older woman,” Leslie declared.
Regan glared at her ex-lover. “Same-age romances don’t fare well either. You’re a walking testament to that.”
“Regan, I—”
“Why are you here, Leslie?”
“I think there’s a hell of a story here . . . and I wanted to see you,” Leslie answered truthfully. “I miss you, Regan.”
Regan said nothing as she pulled Brandy’s car into the parking space in front of the restaurant.
“This place has wonderful Italian food,” Regan said as she opened her car door. “I know how you love Italian food.”
Leslie caught Regan’s wrist, holding her in the car. “You know all the things I love,” she murmured.
Brandy appeared at Regan’s car door. “Is everything okay here?” She glared at Leslie, noting the grip the newswoman had on Regan’s wrist, and extended her hand to her lover.
Regan yanked her wrist from Leslie’s grasp and placed her hand in Brandy’s. “We were just talking,” Regan said.
During lunch, Leslie tried every trick in her repertoire to glean information about the deaths of Danny Tucker and Robin Chase, but her dining partners steered the conversation in every other direction possible.
“I’d like to take you out to dinner,” Leslie said to Regan. “We have a lot to talk about. A lot has changed since you left me.”
Regan frowned. This wasn’t a conversation she wanted to have, especially in front of Brandy and Peyton.
“I know your current heartthrob is cute as hell, but that won’t last,” Leslie continued.
“Pardon me,” Brandy quipped, putting her hand over her heart. “Regan’s current heartthrob is sitting at the table with you.”
“Leslie, I have nothing to discuss with you,” Regan said. “That plane has cleared the runway. Please move on to another subject.”
“We need to go,” Brandy said as the waitress placed their check on the table. She insisted on paying for lunch, and Peyton proclaimed it her duty to take Leslie to her hotel.
“Truth is, I haven’t checked into a hotel yet.” Leslie glanced sideways at Regan, who pretended not to hear her. “Can you recommend a good one?”
“Are you on your own dime or the station’s expense account?” Peyton chuckled. “If you’re on an expense account, I’d recommend the Sheraton downtown. If it’s coming out of your pocket, I’d stay at the Courtyard by Marriott.”
“I guess the Marriott,” Leslie muttered. “If I don’t bring back a sensational story, I’ll probably end up eating my expenses.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, Miss Winters,” Peyton said, “but I’m afraid there’s no story here.”
Leslie turned to Regan. “I don’t suppose you have a guestroom.”
Brandy jumped in. “We do, but we’re leaving this afternoon to spend Christmas at my dad’s ranch.”
“When will you return?”
“After New Year’s,” Regan replied. “Excuse me. I need to powder my nose.”
“She always does that when she wants to end a conversation,” Leslie said, watching Regan walk away.
Peyton pushed back from the table. “If you’re ready, I’ll take you to the Marriott.”
“I should visit the ladies’ room before we leave.” Leslie shoved back her chair and was gone before Brandy could decide what action to take.
Peyton caught Brandy’s arm. “Let them talk,” she advised. “Regan’s a big girl. She can take care of herself.”
“Leslie Winters is one pushy broad,” Brandy grumbled.
“Trust Regan.”
When Regan walked from the bathroom stall, she was shocked to see Leslie propped against the sink. She shot her a go-to-hell look.
“Regan, I know you’re still angry with me,” Leslie said.
“I’m not angry with you, Leslie. I honestly never gave you a second thought. By the time I was able to pack up and leave you, I was over you.”
Leslie caught Regan by the shoulders. “I know you don’t mean that. I know I was a lousy partner those last two years, but I’ve changed, Regan. I’m the woman you fell in love with. I’m off the bottle, and I’ve landed a great job. If this assignment pans out, I’ll get an anchor position on the late-night news.”
“I’m happy for you, Leslie. I really am. I hope everything works out and that you’re happy.”
Leslie shook Regan by the shoulders. “You can’t tell me you’ve forgotten the good times. How I made love to you. The way I touched you. I don’t believe this student of yours can compare to—”
“This student of mine loves me more than you could ever comprehend. And believe me, Leslie, if you’d ever once made me feel the way she does every time she touches me, I’d still be with you!”
“That’s good to know,” Brandy said, grinning as she let go of the door so it could close. “Miss Winters, if you don’t take your hands off my woman, I’ll be forced to break both of your wrists.”
Leslie released Regan as if she were a hot iron. Something about the look in Brandy’s eye told her the young woman was quite capable of doing her bodily harm.
Brandy caught Regan’s hand and turned to Leslie. “Neither of us are fans of yours. Don’t come around her again.”
Leslie watched the two as they left the bathroom. Don’t think I’ll give up so easily, little girl. I still have a few tricks up my sleeve,” she thought.
Chapter 41
Paula laced her fingers through Joey’s as he drove her home. “You have such nice, stron
g hands. I love them.”
Joey smiled. “I’m glad, because I love everything about you.”
Paula sat in silence for a long time before she spoke again. “I know I’m not supposed to say this out loud, but I’m thrilled that Bob Radford is dead.”
“It’s okay to talk to me about it,” Joey said. “I know you didn’t kill Radford. You were with me.”
Paula nodded. “I wonder who I have to thank for making that bastard disappear from my life.”
“It’s almost as if a guardian angel is watching over us,” Joey pointed out. “Coach Tucker was murdered after he tried to roofie Professor Shaw. Then Coach Chase was burned in the bonfire after she tried to molest the professor. Now Radford is dead—hopefully from natural causes.”
They stopped by Wanda’s and picked up Trent. Joey carried the tot on his shoulders as they walked to the car. “I giant,” Trent squealed.
“What are your plans for Christmas?” Paula asked Wanda.
“I had hoped to go to my daughter’s. She sent me a bus ticket, but when I called to confirm departure time this morning, I was told the bus I need to take is overbooked. Unfortunately, they have nothing available until after Christmas.”
“Where does your daughter live?” Joey inquired.
Joey took out his cell phone and made several calls. “I couldn’t get you on a plane, because they’re all booked too, but I have arranged for a town car to pick you up in the morning and drive you to Amarillo. You’ll have use of it the entire time you’re there, and she’ll drive you back when you’re ready to return home.”
“I . . . I can’t afford that.” Tears filled Wanda’s eyes.
“It’s my Christmas gift to you,” Joey said. “You deserve to spend time with your daughter. I’m texting you the name and number of your driver now.”
“I can’t believe you would do that for me.”
Joey grinned. “I have an ulterior motive. I’m hoping Paula and Trent will spend Christmas with me at my dad’s ranch. We have plenty of guestrooms, so it’s not a problem, and Trent will love the horses. We even have some baby goats.”