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Page 15

  Regan laughed softly. “No. You know how that turns me on. We’re going to study, and that’s all.”


  By midnight, Regan deemed Brandy prepared to take the Spanish test. They showered and slipped into bed. Regan rested her head on Brandy’s shoulder.

  “I’m surprised Professor Arturo agreed to let me retake the test,” Brandy mumbled, stroking Regan’s back. “How did you swing that?”

  “She’s married to one of her former students,” Regan answered. “She understands how distracting love can be.”

  “Hmm. Did you tell her why I couldn’t think straight?”

  “No, just that we’d had a long night, and your mind was elsewhere.” Regan kissed the blonde on the side of the breast. “Go to sleep, darling.”

  Chapter 34

  Joey counted the ringtones. He was anxious to talk to Paula. Just to hear her voice would make his day. His heart sank with each additional ring.

  As he was about to give up, a breathless Paula answered the phone.

  “Paula, this is Joey. Are you okay?”

  “Give me a minute to catch my breath,” Paula gasped, taking deep breaths and exhaling slowly. “That’s better. Now I can talk.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, you caught me at the end of my run. I try to run every day to keep in shape.”

  “I’d say you do a darn good job of staying in shape.” Joey chuckled.

  “You are so sweet, Joey Sloan.”

  “Have you and little man had breakfast?”

  “No,” Paula answered without hesitation.

  “Neither have I. May I pick you up and take the two of you to breakfast? I can be there in thirty.”

  “Make it forty-five so I can take a quick shower, and you have a deal. I know Trent will be thrilled to see you.”

  “What about you?” Joey dropped his voice to a soft hum.

  “I’d love to see you, Mr. Sloan.”

  “Forty-five minutes,” Joey sang into the phone.


  As he drove to Paula’s home, Joey tried to pinpoint the moment she and Trent had become so important to his happiness. It had evolved gradually. Scenes flashed through his mind: Trent climbing into his lap and talking to him about football; Paula reaching across the table to gently touch his hand; pulling both under his coat to protect them from falling raindrops; Trent clutching Joey’s shirt in his tiny hands because Santa Claus scared him. Of all the moments in his life, the ones containing Paula and Trent were the most important.

  Joey knew that Paula cared about him. She showed it in so many ways: cooking his favorite meal; putting ice packs and heating pads on his football injuries; reaching for his hand when they walked; leaning against him; the happiness in her voice when he called. But when it moved beyond hand-holding—when he tried to kiss her—she turned away.

  Joey knew he was dealing with something beyond his comprehension. He wished she would talk to him, tell him what was wrong and how he could help.

  He turned onto Paula’s street and hummed a few bars from My Fair Lady. “There’s no place I’d rather be than on the street where you live.” He knew his words weren’t quite right, but the meaning was spot-on.


  Trent chattered to himself, absorbed in his eggs and toast. Paula smiled and held Joey’s hand across the table. “Do you have any special plans for Christmas?” he asked as the waitress refilled their coffee cups.

  “No, just Trent and me.”

  “Would you like to spend it with me at my dad’s ranch? Brandy and Professor Shaw will be there. You’ll love my dad. He’s great and will dote on Trent. Of course, you and Trent would have your own room.

  “We have horses and a few baby goats that little man would love.”

  “Baby goats?” Trent perked up, momentarily forgetting his food. “I play with baby goats?”

  “Oh, I can see how this is going to go, Joey Sloan. The guys against the girls, and I’ll always lose. He will follow your lead on everything.”

  Joey laughed out loud as Trent nodded enthusiastically. “Trent loves Joey,” the boy jabbered.

  “It’s settled then,” Joey said. “This will be the best Christmas ever.”

  Chapter 35

  Joey knocked on the door and then turned the handle. “Paula?” he called into the house.

  “I’m in the kitchen, honey. Come on in.”

  “Wow! It smells amazing here.” Joey bent to kiss her on the cheek as he handed her a bottle of wine. “I believe this is your favorite.”

  “It is,” Paula said. “It will go perfectly with dinner.”

  Joey moseyed into the living room and looked around.

  “Are you looking for something?” Paula asked.

  “Mini me.” Joey grinned. “Is he hiding from me?”

  “No. He isn’t here.”

  “Where is he?” Alarm filled Joey’s voice. “Is he okay?”

  “Wanda took him home with her. Last minute call. I have to be at work early in the morning and didn’t want to wake him and drag him out. Wanda has a TV repairman coming in the morning, so we thought it best for her to take him home with her. He was so excited about an overnight at Wanda’s.”

  I would be excited about an overnight with you, Joey thought, but immediately dismissed the idea. If he wanted her to feel at ease with him, he had to be on his best behavior.

  “If you’ll point me toward the wine opener, I’ll uncork the wine and let it breathe.”

  Paula opened a drawer and handed Joey the corkscrew. He opened the wine and volunteered to set the table.

  “You are much more domesticated than I expected,” Paula teased.

  “Seriously,” Joey said, laughing. “Have you met Brandy?”

  “Your girlfriend?” Paula raised an eyebrow.

  “My . . . no.” Joey suddenly realized that he had never explained his relationship to Brandy. “She’s—”

  “She’s gorgeous,” Paula mumbled. “I can’t see you trading her for a woman with a small child.”

  “She’s a lesbian,” Joey blurted. “I act as a boyfriend for her so she doesn’t have to deal with the idiots who are convinced she’s just never met the right man.”

  “I did notice she paid more attention to Professor Shaw than you during Thanksgiving. Are she and Shaw lovers?”

  “They live together.”

  Paula nodded as if that explained everything.

  “The plates are in the cabinet behind you, and the silverware is in the drawer on your left.”

  They made small talk over dinner, discussing the university and Joey’s upcoming bowl game on New Year’s Day.

  “Who’ll coach the game?” Paula asked.

  “It’ll have to be Radford.” Joey scowled. “He’s all that’s left. He’s not very good.”

  “Did you ever join in his celebration parties after the games?” Paula narrowed her eyes.

  “Not really,” Joey said. “I was usually physically exhausted. The quarterback gets the hell beat out of him during a game.”

  Paula placed her hand on his forearm. “I’m glad you aren’t planning to go pro. I hate to see you so abused.”

  “Why don’t you bring Trent to the game?” Joey suggested. “He’d love to watch me play.”

  Paula glanced away. “It’ll probably be too cold, and I’ve already promised Wanda we’ll spend New Year’s Day with her.”

  “I’ll get you seats in the skyboxes. I can get a ticket for Wanda too,” Joey pleaded. “It would mean a lot to me if you brought the little man to see me play. This will be my last year of football.”

  Paula clenched her jaw. “No. I don’t want to discuss it anymore.”

  They finished dinner in silence. Joey carried the dishes to the sink and cleared the table, while Paula put things in the dishwasher.

  “We make a pretty good domestic team,” Joey said.

  “If all else fails, we can always get jobs cooking and cleaning for the rich and famous,” Paula said,
doing her best to join in his joshing.

  Joey caught her by the shoulders. “Paula, I didn’t mean to upset—”

  She jerked from his grasp and backed away from him like a terrified rabbit. “You need to leave. Leave now! This was a bad idea. I shouldn’t have put myself in this situation.”

  “What situation? Paula, I don’t understand. Why—”

  “Don’t touch me,” she screamed. “Don’t touch me.”

  Joey backed away from the hysterical woman. “I don’t understand.”

  “Please, just leave,” she gasped, trying to pull herself together.

  Joey walked calmly to the kitchen counter, poured two glasses of wine, and carried them to the living room. He placed them on the coffee table, sat down, and looked up at her.

  Paula watched him, prepared to bolt at the slightest indication he might try to touch her. After several minutes, she looked around, squeezed her eyes tightly shut, and let the tears run down her cheeks.

  “Talk to me,” Joey begged. “Please just talk to me. Don’t send me away without an explanation. Surely you must know I’ve fallen in love with you.”

  “I’m so sorry, Joey. I never meant to hurt you.”

  “I think you have feelings for me too,” Joey said softly. “Can we just talk?”

  Paula sniffled. “You never ask me questions. You never ask about Trent or who his father is or—”

  “Because it doesn’t matter,” Joey interrupted. “I don’t care who his father is. I don’t care if you’re an unwed mother or a divorcée. I don’t care. What I do care about is making you my family, taking care of you and Trent. I love him too.”

  “God, I don’t deserve you,” Paula mumbled as she sat in the chair across from Joey. “Don’t interrupt me. I’ll only tell this story once.”

  Joey sat in shocked silence as Paula related the sordid details of Trent’s conception. Finally, she stopped talking.

  “Bob Radford is Trent’s father?” Joey said. “Does Radford know?”

  Paula nodded. “I went to Agent King and volunteered to give testimony to help put Radford behind bars. The next thing I knew, Radford showed up with his lawyer, claiming the sex was consensual and saying he wanted custody of his son. He had five other people willing to testify that I was more than willing. His attorney said he was already drawing up a court order demanding that Trent be placed with Radford. I’d kill him before I’d let him take Trent.”

  “As would I,” Joey growled. “What did Agent King say?”

  “She talked Radford into waiting until after Christmas break to do anything. She said she’s weighing our options.”

  Joey clenched his fists trying to control his temper.

  “Joey, I can’t lose Trent. I can’t let a monster like Radford raise my son.”

  “We’ll take Trent and disappear before we’ll turn him over to Radford,” Joey declared.

  “You’d do that for me? Even after what I just told you . . . what another man did to me?”

  Joey dropped to his knees in front of Paula and carefully took her hand. “I’d do anything for you, honey. You’ve been through a lot. Give me the chance to show you that all men aren’t like Radford. Give me the chance to show you and Trent what true love is—to build a safe, happy life for us all.”

  Paula pulled Joey’s hand to her lips and kissed each knuckle as if it were precious. “I will, Joey. Please just be patient with me.”

  “I’m the most patient man in the world,” Joey said, flashing his dimples.

  “God, I love you,” she whispered as she pressed her lips against his. “How’d I ever get so lucky?”

  Chapter 36

  Peyton arrived two hours before Chancellor O’Brien’s masquerade party. She wanted to check out the security and make certain the extra campus officers working the party knew what to do if anything went wrong. Chief Pat Sawyer had insisted on helping with the security.

  “We’ll keep in contact wearing these earbuds,” Peyton informed them as she and Pat handed out the small devices. “If you get even a whiff of trouble, notify me immediately.”

  Katherine O’Brien entered the ballroom. “Agent King, Marisa said you were here. May I have a word with you in private?”

  “Of course.” Peyton followed the chancellor to her quarters. “Is something wrong?”

  “No,” Katherine said coyly. “I need help with my costume.”

  “What character did you choose?”

  “Cat Woman. Is that too risqué?”

  “I can’t wait to see you in costume.” Peyton licked her lips, trying to return some moisture to a mouth that suddenly felt like it was stuffed with cotton.

  Katherine closed and locked the door to her enormous bedroom/sitting room and walked to the bed where her costume waited. Peyton followed close behind. “Would you mind unzipping me?” Katherine said as she backed up to Peyton.

  Peyton overcame the desire to kiss the nape of Katherine’s neck as she unzipped the dress. She also pushed the button to turn off her earbud.

  “Please unfasten my bra too,” Katherine requested. “The bodysuit has a built-in bra for smoother lines.”

  Peyton steadied her hands as she fumbled with the bra hooks. Katherine pulled the pins from her long auburn hair, letting it float softly onto her shoulders. She turned to face Peyton as she slipped her bra straps down her arms.

  Peyton held her breath as she surveyed Katherine’s perfect breasts. The chancellor stood still for several moments, until Peyton slowly let her gaze drift from Katherine’s breasts to her emerald-green eyes.

  “I . . . I . . .” Peyton’s tongue wouldn’t work properly.

  “You what, Agent King?”

  “You’re so gorgeous,” Peyton whispered as she realized Katherine’s breast showcased nipples that were erect and begging to be touched.

  “I’m glad you think so,” Katherine murmured, taking a step toward Peyton.

  Peyton threw caution to the wind and took Katherine by the shoulders, pulling her close and kissing her. Her kiss was tentative, praying for a response. Katherine slowly moved her full, pink lips against Peyton’s. Peyton pulled her into her arms and deepened the kiss, seeking an invitation to entangle her tongue with Katherine’s.

  Katherine moaned softly and began unbuttoning Peyton’s shirt. Peyton caught her hand and stopped her. “No, Kate. This isn’t wise. You need to get dressed, and I need to have all my faculties firing at a hundred percent. I don’t want any more dead bodies on this campus. Especially at Christmas time.”

  Katherine pressed her body hard against Peyton’s. “Are you refusing me?” she whispered, brushing her lips across the agent’s.

  “Never,” Peyton declared. “I’m just postponing the inevitable. I’ve wanted you from the first moment I laid eyes on you.”

  Katherine nodded and backed away. “Please help me put on my Cat Woman bodysuit.”

  Peyton smiled. “I’d love to. And I’ll stay after the party to help you take it off.”

  Katherine laughed softly. “I’ll look forward to that, Agent King.”

  Chapter 37

  Peyton surveyed the ballroom, making note of who was at the party. Brandy was dressed as Supergirl, and Regan was dressed as Wonder Woman. Figures, Regan thought, laughing to herself.

  Suddenly, she heard a loud noise and moved quickly toward a disturbance in the corner. “What’s going on here?”

  “Radford is drunk.” Disgust dripped from Supergirl’s words. “He fell down.”

  “I didn’t fall,” Radford growled as he used Peyton’s arm to pull himself from the floor. “You pushed me, you little tart.”

  “You were groping Wonder Woman,” Supergirl said, giving him another shove that sent him back to the floor.

  “Get out of here,” Peyton commanded Supergirl. “Go get some punch or something.”

  “What’s going on?” Joey, dressed as Superman, caught Brandy’s hand and pulled her away from the others.

  “Radford’s here, and he’s
drunk as a skunk.”

  “Maybe I should get rid of him,” Joey hissed.

  “Good idea. Take him back to his apartment so he can sleep it off.”

  Joey consulted with Peyton and then pulled Radford up, all but dragging the inebriated man toward the back exit.

  Brandy returned to Regan. “Does Wonder Woman want to dance with Supergirl?” She flashed a devilish grin as she pulled Regan into her arms.

  “Lord, you’re an incredible dancer,” Regan said, relaxing into Brandy’s body and letting the blonde lead. Her senses were overcome by the fragrance Brandy was wearing.

  “I think you’ll find I’m pretty good at anything physical,” Brandy murmured in her ear. “I can feel your heart beating. I like dancing with you. This is as close as I can get to you wearing clothes.”

  “I love your arms around me,” Regan whispered. “You’re very strong. I like strong women.”

  “I like soft, warm women,” Brandy said. “Soft, willing women.”

  Regan realized she was clutching the back of Brandy’s cape in an effort to pull the woman closer. “Miss Brandywine,” she said, fighting to control her breathing, “I believe you’re working both of us into a state unfit for the chancellor’s party.”

  Brandy looked away, her eyes quickly scanning the room.

  “What’s wrong?” Regan whispered.

  “Nothing. Joey is having trouble with Radford.”

  “Does he need your help?”

  “No.” Brandy chuckled. “Joey is quite capable of handling the likes of Radford.”

  A hush fell over the partiers as Radford stumbled back into the room. He was covered in bloody scratches and mumbling incoherently.

  Peyton instructed Chief Sawyer to call for an ambulance as Radford collapsed to the floor.

  “What happened?” Peyton asked Joey as she checked Radford’s pulse.

  “The lush fell off the porch and into the chancellor’s prize rose bushes.” Joey cursed under his breath. “Grab his feet. Let’s get him out of here.” The two carried the unconscious man to the front porch.

  “You didn’t shove him into the rose bushes, did you?” Peyton raised a questioning brow at Joey.

  “No, but I might have if I’d thought about it,” Joey scoffed. “He yanked his arm from my grip and fell backward off the porch. I do admit I laughed for several seconds before pulling his sorry butt from the bushes.”