Shakespeare Under Cover Read online
Page 10
They continued their conversation in Spanish, and the blonde agent impressed Regan with her command of the language.
“You’ve obviously immersed yourself in the language too,” Regan said.
“I dated a hot Latina for several years,” Peyton said, smiling at the memory. “She dumped me for a Latin lover.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Peyton said. “I saw her last year. She was with her husband and three children.”
“Did that hurt?”
“No. There’s something about seeing your ex trucking 300 pounds in spandex that makes you know you dodged a bullet. How did you become so fluent in the language?”
“My mother,” Regan said. “She was from Mexico. My father met her when he was assigned to Mexico City. He’s with the state department, and she’s an attorney.”
“Ah, that explains the raven hair and flashing brown eyes,” Peyton murmured.
Regan put the chicken marsala in the oven and began slicing and buttering French bread. “If I’d known you were coming, I would have prepared more chicken.”
“Oh, no, I just dropped by to return these.” Peyton held out a pair of sunglasses. “You left them in my car.”
“It’s been raining all day. I haven’t missed them. Thank you.”
The doorbell announced the arrival of Brandy. Peyton downed the last of her coffee. “I’d better be going. I have a couple more stops to make, and the weather’s getting worse.”
Peyton led the way to the door and opened it as an impatient Brandy pushed the ringer again. Shock registered in Brandy’s eyes as she stood face-to-face with the agent. “What are you doing here?” Brandy demanded.
“That’s really none of your business,” Peyton huffed as she turned her collar up against the rain and darted to her car.
Brandy left her umbrella on the porch and followed Regan into the house. “Mmm. Something smells good.”
“Your favorite.” Regan smiled as Brandy opened the drawer and pulled out the wine opener. She tried to overcome the pleasure she felt at Brandy’s familiarity with her home.
“A nice chardonnay to compliment an exceptional chicken marsala,” Brandy said as she pulled the cork from the bottle and filled their glasses.
“I hope it’s exceptional.” Regan sighed, accepting the glass Brandy held out to her.
Brandy clinked her glass against Regan’s. “Everything you do is exceptional, Professor.”
“Thank you.” Regan turned away. She didn’t want Brandy to flirt with her. She surmised that Brandy had spent the night with Joey.
“So . . . you and Agent King?”
Brandy let the statement hang in the air, and Regan left it there, refusing to play games with her gorgeous student. “We have twenty minutes until dinner is ready. Do you want to start on your Spanish?”
“I’d rather hear about your day.” Brandy slid onto the stool at the end of the island. “What was Agent King doing here?”
Regan gazed at her inquisitive guest. Is that jealousy glinting in those green eyes?
“Returning my sunglasses,” Regan replied. “I left them in her car when we went out.”
Brandy inhaled deeply, gathering her thoughts. “Are you two dating?”
“Brandy, your questions are out of line. There is a separation between my private life and my professional life.”
“Of course. You’re right,” Brandy acknowledged. “I’m sorry, Professor. I sometimes move faster than I should. Don’t you find society’s dictates frustrating?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, for instance, when I meet a gorgeous woman who completely overwhelms me, I just want to pull her into my arms and kiss her. I hate all the posturing and dancing that goes on.”
Regan laughed. “I’m certain you’d be a big hit at lesbian parties if you walked through the room kissing every gorgeous woman you saw.”
“You took my statement out of context,” Brandy said seriously. “I said, ‘a gorgeous woman who completely overwhelms me.’ I’ve only met one such woman in my lifetime.”
Regan looked away from the fire flickering in Brandy’s eyes. “This is not a conversation we should be having.”
Brandy pushed for answers. “Is Agent King a part of your private life?”
“Is Joey Sloan a part of your private life?” Regan countered.
The oven buzzer sounded, ending the uneasy conversation.
Brandy followed Regan to the oven. “That smells delicious,” she said, sniffing the air. “What can I do to help?”
Regan welcomed the shift in Brandy’s mood. “Refill our wine glasses, and we’ll be ready to dine.”
As Regan served their dinner, the rain increased from heavy to a torrential downpour. “Wow! Listen to that,” Brandy said as she walked to the large picture window that overlooked Regan’s pool. “It’s coming down in buckets.”
Regan joined the blonde at the window. “If this continues, I’ll need to pump water from the pool before it overflows.”
A flash of lightening lit up the black sky. Thunder shook the house, and the lights flickered then left them in darkness. Regan jumped into the arms of the other woman. Brandy’s strong arms wrapped around her, and Regan marveled at how safe she suddenly felt. “I . . . um, I didn’t mean to—”
“It’s okay,” Brandy murmured. “It’s always nice to have someone to hold on to in the midst of the storm.” She tightened her arms around Regan as the brunette relaxed against her. “Consider me your shelter in the storm, Regan.”
The lights flickered again but refused to stay on. “I have a flashlight,” Regan mumbled as she pulled away from Brandy. She quickly located it and pulled candles from another drawer and placed them in holders on the table.
“A candlelight dinner,” Brandy teased. “How romantic is that?”
Regan studied the blonde. The candlelight danced in her hair, creating a halo affect around the girl’s beautiful face. Regan caught her breath as she gazed into green eyes reflecting amber flames. “You are the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever met,” she whispered as Brandy pulled her into the haven of her arms again.
“And you’re the most desirable woman I’ve ever met.” Brandy continued to hold Regan in her arms but leaned back to look into her eyes. “How long are we going to play this game, Regan?”
“I’m not the one playing games,” Regan said, her voice barely more than a squeak. “You’re the one sleeping with Joey Sloan and then coming on to me.”
Brandy released the brunette. “Of course, you’re right. I’ve overstepped the line here. I apologize, Professor.” She returned to the table and began eating the meal Regan had prepared.
They ate in silence. The darkness outside the circle of light cast by the flickering candles made their dinner more intimate than planned.
“Brandy, I don’t want there to be awkwardness between us,” Regan said softly. “I value your friendship and find you quite interesting. I know you are committed to Joey, so we need to move past whatever this attraction is and accept each other as friends.”
“I agree.” Brandy flashed her dimpled smile and placed her warm hand over Regan’s. “Friends it is.” She raised her wine glass in a toast as the lights flickered and came back on.
“Does Agent King have any idea who our campus murderer is?” Brandy asked.
“She’s no closer than she was the first day. She has uncovered evidence that would put the entire coaching staff and half the football team in jail for sexual misconduct.”
Brandy released a low whistle. “Wow! That will destroy Chancellor O’Brien.”
“I don’t think so,” Regan puzzled. “There was an intricate plan to keep all information concerning the shenanigans of the athletic department from Chancellor O’Brien.”
Brandy frowned. “The press will still crucify her. She’s ruffled some of the good-ol’-boys’ feathers, and they will jump at the chance to throw her under the bus.”
“Peyton isn’t certain the two mur
ders were the work of one person,” Regan continued. “She’s looking at a conspiracy.”
“That would make sense too,” Brandy said, picking up their empty plates and carrying them to the sink.
“I’ll clear the table.” Regan stood too quickly, knocking over her glass and watching helplessly as wine splashed onto her white blouse. “I’ll never get this out.”
“Go,” Brandy said as she gave her a gentle shove toward the bathroom. “Wash it out in cold water. I’ll finish up here while you change.”
She quickly placed the dishes in the dishwasher and cleaned up the spilled wine from the table and floor. She poured fresh wine for them and carried it into Regan’s office.
Regan’s computer dinged as an email entered her mailbox. Brandy smiled to herself as she decided to look at the computer. If Regan didn’t want her to read what was on the screen, she should have turned it off.
It took Brandy a few seconds to realize that it wasn’t an email on the screen, but the first page of Regan’s newest book. Her curiosity got the best of her, and she began to read.
The book was fascinating. Although it deviated from Regan’s usual murder mystery fare, it had her panache and technique. Brandy didn’t hear her professor return to the study. She jumped when Regan placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Regan! I . . . I didn’t mean to invade your privacy. I was just so enthralled by your book that I got carried away. This may be your best book yet.”
Regan closed her eyes and counted to ten. She was furious with her student for snooping but lapped up the compliments Brandy heaped on her rejected book. She fought to gain control but burst into tears.
Brandy jumped to her feet and slowly pulled Regan into her arms. “What’s wrong, honey?” she cooed, moving the brunette to the sofa. She sat down, pulled the smaller woman onto her lap, and rocked her like a baby. “Regan, it’s a riveting story—at least the part I read. Why haven’t you published it?”
“My publisher and my agent rejected it,” Regan sobbed. “I agreed to teach at the university for a year to get back in touch with real life. Instead, I’ve found murders and a woman I can’t drive from my mind.”
“Was it rejected because it’s lesfic?”
“Yes.” Regan sniffed, trying to dry her tears.
“And you are a lesbian, aren’t you?”
“Yes, and I’ve fallen in love with you.” Regan’s sobs started again. “And you’re my student. I’m fourteen years older than you. There are so many things wrong with this scenario.”
Brandy continued to rock the brunette in her arms and whisper soothing words to her. “It’s okay, because I’ve fallen in love with you too.”
Regan gasped. “What? What about Joey?”
“He’s my brother.” Brandy giggled.
Regan stopped crying. “So, you’re not sleeping with him?”
“Nope. Never have. Never will,” Brandy declared. “But I’d sacrifice everything to sleep with you. Why don’t I make coffee while I explain?”
Chapter 21
Regan couldn’t take her eyes off Brandy as the blonde moved around the kitchen as if she lived there. The Keurig gurgled and filled the room with the aroma of coffee as the dark-brown liquid dribbled into a cup. Brandy placed the steaming coffee in front of Regan and pushed the button to fill her own cup.
“This is an involved story. We might be more comfortable on the sofa,” Brandy suggested. Regan followed her into the study.
“Joey is my brother and my partner,” Brandy began. “He is at UT on a football scholarship, and I enrolled here because they have a great law school. He’s younger than I am, and this is his last year to play college ball, so we desperately need to wrap up our case.
“My senior year, the FBI recruited Joey and me for several reasons. I was at the top of my class, and they needed someone entrenched on the UT campus. They were quietly investigating the disappearances of young women from the university. They needed someone already active in campus life. Joey and I are very active on campus, so we were good choices for the job.
“That was three years ago, and we have been compiling evidence that incriminates the athletic staff. We had enough to start making arrests. That fell apart when someone started killing the coaches—our perps. When Chancellor O’Brien requested Agent King for the investigation of Coach Tucker’s death, it threw a monkey wrench into our entire operation. After Peyton questioned me and grilled Joey, our handler decided to bring Peyton into our investigation. Peyton was made our field supervisor and was updated on our investigation. She’s as baffled as we are about the case.
“Peyton came here two years ago at the request of Chancellor O’Brien to investigate the murder of a girl named Jamie Wright. She stayed long enough to wrap up that case. The girl’s body was dragged from the creek that runs behind some off-campus apartments. She’d been raped and strangled. Chancellor O’Brien was convinced the coaches and members of the football team were involved in her death because of the DNA from semen on her body, but Chief Sawyer arrested a homeless man who confessed to Jamie’s murder, and Agent King returned to Dallas.”
“You’re an FBI agent?” Regan said, wide-eyed.
“So . . . you’re not really involved with Joey. The two of you pretend to be a couple to gain acceptance inside the coaching circle.”
“Yes,” Brandy said. “I didn’t want to work that closely with a hetero male agent, because I knew he’d get a crush on me. I’m a lesbian, so Joey was perfect.”
Brandy tried to look into Regan’s eyes, but the brunette turned away. “Is that a problem?”
“I . . . I’m not sure,” Regan mumbled. “I don’t really know you at all.”
“So, does that mean you haven’t fallen in love with me?” Brandy placed her cup on the coffee table. Then she reached for Regan’s and set it down. “Because I’m irrevocably in love with you.”
Brandy tipped up Regan’s chin, so she could look into her eyes. She slowly placed her lips on Regan’s and increased the pressure when the brunette leaned into her. Without breaking the kiss, Regan slid her arms around Brandy’s neck and pulled the younger woman onto her as she stretched out on the sofa.
“Are you certain this is what you want?” Brandy murmured as she caressed Regan’s breast.
Regan gasped as Brandy slipped her soft hand beneath her sweater. “Right now, this is all I want. We’ll discuss your multiple personalities tomorrow.”
“And my age,” Brandy muttered.
The rain was still tapping a staccato rhythm on her bedroom roof when Regan turned over and snuggled into the warm body in her bed. Warm body in my bed? She froze as she recalled the amazing night she had spent with Brandy. Brandy—her student. Brandy—a much younger woman. Brandy—an incredible lover.
Regan recalled her years with Leslie. In their five years together, Leslie had never touched her the way Brandy had. No one had ever made her feel the way Brandy made her feel. Not just the sex—that had been indescribable—but the sweet reassuring things Brandy whispered in her ear. The tender way Brandy ran her hands all over her body, as if worshipping a celestial being.
A spark of fire ignited the arousal in the pit of Regan’s stomach. She wanted the blonde woman again. Her breath caught when Brandy threw her arm and leg across her body. Brandy nuzzled her hair and whispered in her ear, “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
“If you’re thinking about driving me out of my mind like you did last night . . . .”
“Um, I’m thinking about breakfast.” Brandy laughed, tightening her arms around Regan. “Satisfying you makes one work up an appetite.”
Regan nipped her on the neck and rolled out of bed as Brandy yowled. “I don’t have any breakfast food in the house. I hadn’t planned on you spending the night. We’ll have to go out for breakfast.”
“I might be persuaded to make love to you again.” Brandy reached for the brunette as Regan ran into the bathroom.
“Nope, I’m up and raring to go,” Regan called out as she closed the bathroom door and turned on the shower.
Brandy gave her a minute and then followed her into the shower. The hot water felt good, and they clung to each other as they kissed beneath the rainforest showerhead.
“I love your body,” Brandy murmured as she lathered soap on Regan’s back. She smoothed soap down Regan’s sides then slid her arms around the brunette, cupping her breasts. “God, you are perfect in every way.”
Regan leaned back against her young lover as Brandy nipped and kissed her neck and shoulders. “Are you certain you want to go to breakfast right now?” Regan asked.
Brandy turned her around and rinsed the soap from her body before turning off the shower. “The only thing I want to do right now is get you back into bed.” She helped Regan from the shower and pulled her toward the bedroom.
Regan squealed as Brandy pushed her onto the bed and slid down beside her. “We need to dry off. We’re all wet.”
“The better to make love to you, my dear.” Brandy bared perfect, white teeth mischievously, and Regan squealed louder as the blonde straddled her waist.
Chapter 22
Peyton thumbed through Paula Lambert’s file one more time. She looked at the photos and interviews that had been taken during the girl’s case. Pat Sawyer had closed the case, stating that Miss Lambert had dropped the charges. Peyton wondered what had compelled Lambert to contact her.
Her office door opened, and a determined-looking woman stepped into the room. “I’m looking for Agent Peyton King,” she said.
“I’m Agent King.” Peyton stood and held out her hand. “You must be Paula Lambert.”
“Yes, yes, I am.” For a second the woman’s self-confidence slipped, but she pulled back her shoulders and tossed her shoulder-length blonde hair away from her face. “I wanted to talk to you about the rape I reported four years ago.”
Peyton gestured toward the chair across from her. “Please have a seat, Miss Lambert. I have Dr. Pepper, Coke, ginger ale, and 7-UP. Which would you like? Please select one. I hate to drink alone.”
“Dr. Pepper, please.” Paula smiled for the first time, and a playfulness danced in her hazel eyes. “I wouldn’t want you to drink alone.”